About Jefferson County
General Health District

What is Public Health?
Prevent. Promote. Protect.
Health starts where we live, learn, work, and play. The vision of public health is healthy people living in healthy communities. Public health is the combination of science, practical skills, and beliefs, which are designed to give everyone a chance to live a healthy life. Such efforts include keeping you safe from the spread of contagious diseases, providing programs and advocating for policies to promote healthy lifestyles and opportunities, inspecting restaurants for sanitary food handling procedures, monitoring drinking water so it remains free of sewage or pollution, and upholding public health laws to protect the health of populations.
The first recorded Jefferson County General Health District Board meeting was in 1941. While there have been many changes in public health since then, the goal remains the same—to promote health, protect population health, and prevent disease and injury for all the residents in Jefferson County. Jefferson County is located in east central Ohio along the west bank of the Ohio River. Its 408 square mile area is bordered on the north by Columbiana County, on the south by Belmont County, on the west by Carroll and Harrison Counties, and on the east by the State of West Virginia.

JCGHD’s Mission, Vision, and Values Statement
Mission Statement
The mission of the JCGHD is to provide public health services focused on community wellness, disease prevention and protection where Jefferson County residents live, work, learn and play.
Vision Statement
Improving health outcomes through education, awareness and collaboration— ultimately achieving access for all.
Integrity: We are dedicated to earning public trust by operating with transparent communication, ethical decision making and upholding the utmost integrity in all that we do. This includes being a good steward of public funds.
Respect: We are committed to a culture of compassion and mutual respect among our employees and clients and recognize diversity as a strength in our organization and community.
Excellence: We are dedicated to excellence and passionate about our relationship with our community, public health services, and committed to continuous quality improvement.
Collaboration: We are committed to collaborating with key community partners to enhance the reach and impact of our efforts to maximize and sustain public health.
Accessibility: We strive to provide essential public health services in a fair and equitable manner so that there is access for all in the community we serve.