Child Safety
For Families
Bicycle Safety, Car Seat Program, Cribs,
Helmets, and More

Childhood Lead Poisoning Information
Ohio law requires all healthcare providers to administer blood lead tests to children at age 1 and 2, or up to age 6 if no previous test has been completed based on the following criteria: the child is on Medicaid, lives in a high-risk ZIP code, or has certain other risk factors.
Car Seat Program - Ohio Buckles Buckeyes (OBB)
The Ohio Department of Health’s child passenger safety (CPS) program, OBB, provides child safety seats and booster seats to eligible, low-income families in all Ohio counties. The goals of this program are to increase the availability of child safety seats for families who could not otherwise afford them, and to increase correct installation and proper use of child safety seats. Through the coordinated efforts of a network of local and regional CPS coordinators, the OBB program distributes child safety seats and booster seats and provides CPS education. Visit the Ohio Department of Health website to learn more about your area’s CPS coordinator.
Other important car seat resources:
Practice Safe Bike Riding with Proper Helmet Fitting
Wearing a helmet is one of the most important aspects of bike safety. Follow the ABC steps provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics for safe bicycle riding:
• A is for Air. Do your tires have enough pressure?
• B is for Brakes. Do they stop your bike?
• C is for Cranks and Chains. Are they loose? Do they move smoothly?
Sports Physical
Jefferson County General Health District complete sports physicals by appointment.
Concussion Law
Browse the following resources to learn more about Ohio’s concussion laws:
Steroid Law
View the following resources for more information regarding steroid use in Ohio:
General Child Safety Tips
Visit Safe Kids to learn more about how to keep your child safe, happy, and healthy!