Clinical Services
For Residents

Jefferson County General Health District Offers Clinical Services
The Jefferson County General Health District provides resources and information for residents of Jefferson County to stay healthy and safe. Located in Steubenville, OH, we work with residents in Toronto, Tiltonsville, Adena, Mount Pleasant, and the entirety of Jefferson County to provide TB testing, reproductive health services, and much more. For more information please call our office at (740) 283-8530, or contact us online.

Complex Medical Help Program
The Complex Medical Help Program (CMH) is a health care program in the Ohio Department of Health. CMH links families of children with special health care needs to a network of quality providers and helps families obtain payment for the services their children need.
CMH’s mission is to assure, through the development and support of high-quality, coordinated systems, that children with special health care needs and their families obtain comprehensive care and services that are family-centered, community based, and culturally sensitive.

Maternal/Child Health
Bureau of Maternal, Child & Family Health (BMCFH) is an organized effort to eliminate health disparities, improve birth outcomes and improve the health status of women, infants, children, youth and families in Ohio. Using evidenced-based and data driven practices, we support the delivery of direct services, linkages and referrals, population-based supports, education, monitoring and quality oversight, and policy and systems development.
As part of the Maternal/Child Health program at JCGHD, we are starting a Quarterly Newsletter to send out information to mothers in the Jefferson County area. We plan to provide education, support and a sense of community. We hope to get feedback and use this as a way to address community needs and answer some questions along the way. This month we are focusing on nutritional and mental health wellness before, during and after pregnancy. As warmer weather comes our way, we are also wanting to start some local community gardens and support groups led by moms throughout the county. If you would like to be a part of either, please contact our Maternal/Child Health nurse at 740-283-8530 ext. 1636 or via email at [email protected]

Physical Exams for Jefferson County Residents
Jefferson County residents can receive physical exams by appointment. Please call us at (740) 283-8530. See our fee schedule.

Reproductive Health and Family Planning Resources
The Reproductive Health and Wellness Program (RHWP) comprehensively addresses issues of reproductive health and wellness, including family planning. This includes a focus on populations in greatest need and identified priorities. An important goal of the RHWP in Ohio is to improve the overall health and well-being of women and men by promoting healthy lifestyles and encouraging the establishment of a reproductive life plan. These planning services can help to:
– Plan a healthy pregnancy
– Screen for diseases or health conditions
– Improve pregnancy outcomes
– Improve the health of mothers and babies
Family planning clinics in Ohio receive funds to provide these services. Persons having low incomes and those with no insurance or insurance that does not cover reproductive health services have priority. Fees for services are based on family size and income, and no one is denied service if they cannot pay. There is no requirement that a person must live in the area in order to receive services.
Funding comes through Federal Title X of the Public Health Service Act, Maternal and Child Health Block Grant, and general revenue funds.
For more information, call Jefferson County General Health District at (740) 283-8530 or contact us online.

STI Services
Our clinical department provides education, testing, and treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhea, two of the most commonly transmitted diseases. We provide condoms free of charge. We provide counselling and education to raise awareness and prevent the spread of these diseases.
To reach the STI hotline, visit the OHIV website.

Pregnancy Testing
Jefferson County General Health District’s clinic provides urine pregnancy tests and subsequent education. In the event of pregnancy, we provide you with referrals to local obstetrics physicians and agencies in our county that can assist with needs you may find helpful. We also refer to programs such as WIC and Help Me Grow.

Tuberculosis (TB) Testing in Steubenville, OH
Tuberculosis, commonly called TB, attacks the lungs and sometimes other parts of the body. It is in most cases caused by strains of mycobacterium, usually Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Common symptoms can include chronic cough, night sweats, fever, and weight loss. TB is easily spread through the air. For more information about TB and other communicable diseases, speak with the professionals at the Jefferson County Health Department in Steubenville, OH.
TB Shot Schedule for Jefferson County General Health District
Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday: 8:00am – 3:30pm
Friday: 8:00am – 2:30pm ($14)
TB Clinic monthly by appointment