Wells & Septic Systems

Household Sewage Disposal System Program of the JCGHD
Anyone wishing to install or alter a septic system in Jefferson County, OH, must get a permit. New home construction also requires a permit from the Jefferson County General Health District (JCGHD).
Contact the Environmental Division of the Jefferson County General Health District at (740) 283-8530 for an application for a septic system permit. For a copy of the HJDS Rules of the Jefferson County General Health District or Chapter 3701-29 of the HSDS rules of the OAC, residents can also contact the Environmental Division.
Important Rules and Information for Septic Systems
For more information, call the Jefferson County General Health District or contact us online. Provided below are helpful links to stay septic smart when using a septic tank or household sewage system:
Important Well and Private Water System Information
Anyone wishing to construct or alter a well, cistern, or pond in Jefferson County must first get a permit.
Section 3701-28-01(A)(1) of the Private Water System Rules of the OAC states that:
“Any person intending to construct, alter or seal a private water system or component thereof, shall, either in person or through a designated agent, make application to the department for a permit. Except as provided in paragraph (H) of this rule, no work shall commence until a valid permit has been issued. Each application shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee established under this chapter and all information required under this rule. The applicant shall sign the application form, and shall indicate the name of any registered contractor intending to do the work, if known.”
Section 3701-28-01(A) of the Private Water System Rules of the OAC defines an “Alteration” as:
“To make a major change in the type of construction or configuration of a private water system, including without limitation, adding a disinfection or treatment device, for the purpose of disinfecting or treating the water source for a private water system due to contamination; converting a well that uses a well pit to a well with a pitless adapter or well house type of construction; extending the casing above ground; deepening a well; changing the type of pumping equipment when the change requires making new holes or sealing or plugging existing holes in the casing or wall of a well; or repairing, extending, or replacing any portion of the inside or outside casing or wall, or the walls of a spring or cistern, that extend below ground level.”
Call the Environmental Division of the Jefferson County General Health District at (740) 283-8530 for a PWS permit application or for any questions.
Information Regarding Private Water and Septic Systems
The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) regulates private waters systems. All types of private water systems are administered by both ODH and the Local Health Districts under Sections 3701.344 to 3701.347 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) and Chapter 3701-28 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC).
View the following information to learn more about Ohio’s regulations for private well and septic systems:
Do’s & Don’ts of Your Septic System
STS Components, Systems, & Maintenance
Types of Private Water Systems
Download the following forms for residential wells or septic work: