Vaccinations and Immunizations
Vaccinations and Immunizations
The Jefferson County General Health District offers various immunizations to children and adults in Jefferson County. These vaccinations and immunizations have varying costs that are subject to change:
– All childhood immunizations
– Adult Hep A
– Adult Hep B
– Adult MMR
– Adult TD
– Adult Tdap
– Adult Varicella
– Bexsero
– Boostrix
– Flu Shots
– Pneumovax
– Prevnar 13
– TB PPD Testing
– Twinrix Hep A/Hep B
– COVID-19 Vaccines
Call us at (740) 283-8530 or contact us online for more information or to see what vaccinations are available.
Need a Copy of Your COVID-19 Vaccination Record?
If you are a Jefferson County resident or participated in a Jefferson County General Health District vaccination event and need a replacement vaccine record, please complete the written Authorization to Release Records.
Please return the form electronically via email to [email protected] or print the form and send it through regular mail to 500 Market Street, 6th Floor, Steubenville, OH 43952.
A copy of your photo I.D. (driver’s license or passport) must be included with the authorization form.
You will receive a copy of your record from the state registry. You will not receive a card.
If the person in need of the record is under 18 years old, the person requesting the record must be their legal guardian.
Vaccines for Children
The Vaccines for Children (VFC) program is a federally-funded program overseen by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and administered in Ohio by the Ohio Department of Health. The VFC program supplies vaccine at no cost to public and private health care providers who enroll and agree to immunize eligible children in their medical practice or clinic.
Which children are eligible to get these vaccines through the VFC program?
- Any child from birth through 18 years of age is eligible to receive VFC-supplied vaccine if he/she meets at least one of the following criteria:
- The child does not have health insurance.
- The child is enrolled in Medicaid (including Medicaid HMOs).
- The child is an American Indian or Alaskan Native.
- The child has health insurance that does not pay for vaccine (applicable only to children attending a Federally Qualified Health Center, Rural Health Clinic or local health department)
Visit the Ohio Department of Health’s website to learn more about vaccines for children.