Commercial Solid
Waste Services
Sewer Treatment System (STS) Online Registration Exam
There is now an online version of the statewide sewage rules test. There are no fees required for the online version of the sewage rules test. Upon completion and attainment of a passing grade, the STS contractor will need to print and keep a copy of the certificate to show as proof of compliance for completing the testing requirement to the health department when they register.
An electronic copy of the STS rules and the exam can be accessed at the following link:
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Jefferson County General Health District at (740) 283-8530 or contact us online.
Forms available for download:
Water Testing Information in Jefferson County
Please take note of water testing information for the county:
Point-of-Sale: When a home is on the market and it has a water well, the JCGHD requires that the homeowners have a water test to check for chloroform and E.coli before the sale is final.
Water Well Testing: A private homeowner with a water well that would like to have their private well tested for chloroform and E.coli, to test the safety of their drinking water, JCGHD will conduct a well water test. Water testing is $175.00 per test.
Water sample collections are completed on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesdays only. Please call us at (740) 283-8530 or contact us online for more information.
Solid Waste Landfill Licensing and Inspections
Check back soon for more information regarding solid waste landfill licensing and inspections for Jefferson County-area commercial haulers. Call us at (740) 283-8530 or contact us online. Below are resources to answer any general questions:
Ohio Code 3734.05: Licensing Requirements
Ohio Code 3734.15: Registration and liability of transporters and acceptors of hazardous waste
Open Dump Investigations for Jefferson County Businesses
Contact the Jefferson County General Health District’s Environmental Division at (740) 283-8530 or contact us online to report instances of illegal dumping.