Employment Opportunities
Open Job Positions in the Jefferson County General Health District
Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) or Environmental Health Specialist in Training (SIT)
The Jefferson County General Health District is seeking applications for a Registered Environmental Health Special (REHS) or Environmental Health Specialist in Training (SIT). The essential functions of the position will be under the supervision of the Environmental Health Director. The function of an REHS is to plan, schedule, and conduct environmental health inspections of food service operations, local schools, tattoo parlors, campgrounds, etc. in order to ensure adherence with environmental health laws and regulations; plan, schedule, and conduct inspections and monitoring of landfills and solid waste hauling operations to ensure compliance with public health laws and regulations; conduct investigations of open dumping and garbage nuisance complaints; respond to and investigate nuisance complaints; respond to and investigate complaints of health code violations; respond to and investigate complaints or illnesses involving food service operations; respond to and investigate incidents involving dog bites.
Candidates should have a Certificate of registration as a Registered Environmental Health Specialist issued by the Ohio State Board of Sanitarian Registration in accordance with Chapter 4736 of the Revised Code
If not certified, Environmental Health Specialist in Training approval from the Ohio Department of Health. One of the following criteria must be met in order to qualify as an Environmental Health Specialist in Training.
- Graduated from an accredited college or university with at least a baccalaureate degree, including at least forty-five quarter units or thirty semester units of science courses approved by the board; and completed at least two years of full-time employment as a sanitarian;
- Graduated from an accredited college or university with at least a baccalaureate degree, completed a major in environmental health science which included an internship program approved by the board; and completed at least one year of full-time employment as a sanitarian.
- Graduated from an accredited college or university with a degree higher than baccalaureate degree, including at least forty-five quarter units or thirty semester units of science courses approved by the board; and completed at least one year of full time employment as a sanitarian.
Deadline for applying: Open until filled
Interested applicants should email their resume to Marc Maragos, Environmental Health Director: [email protected]